Wesley Methodist Church

Address Lords Street, Cadishead, Manchester, M44 5EH
Service Time 10:30am
Junior Church No
Minister Rev John Palmer
Website www.cadisheadwesley.com
Regular Events
Coffee Morning Second Saturday of the month - 10am to 12noon
Preachers Information
Hymn Books H&Ps
Projection No
Parking Church Car park
About Wesley​
Wesley Methodist is a small friendly church. Our congregation are faithful and elderly who have a heart for Christ and warmly welcome visitors to worship with them.
We share worship once a month with our neighbours from Glazebrook Methodist and occasionally host joint services for the nine Churches in our Circuit. We offer refreshments after some of our services.
We also host various events for our community including concerts by various choirs.
Located just off Liverpool Road on Lord Street, we have a car park along the side of the church.
A Brief History​
The first place of worship to be built in Cadishead (Lord's Street) was in 1807, when it was the centre of community life, reflecting the parochial outlook of the congregation - mainly farmers and fustian cutters. Three classrooms were added in 1841. These became the Infants' School in 1874 - again a first. The need for larger premises forced the Trustees to acquire land on Liverpool Road. A new 720 seat Chapel was built in 1874 at a cost of £3400. An extension was added to the Lords Street building in 1920, which became the Sunday School Primary department. In the 1970s it was agreed to build a smaller, modern Church on the Lords Street site. The final service in the olf Church was held on 4th September 1977.
Many events, including Scouts, Youth Club, badminton, concerts and fayres took place in the Schoolrooms, as well as it being used as a polling station. It was decided in 2002 to demolish the old Schoolrooms and replace them with a new hall, kitchen and disabled toilets for use as a Community Hall. Grants were applied for and substantial sums were received from Biffa Waste Services and Wren Waste Recycling, amongst others. In July 2005 the construction began. Completed in December, three weeks ahead of schedule, a service of opening and dedication was held on 7th January 2006.