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Salem Methodist Church


Ceased to meet August 2011


Where Midfield Court, Northumberland Street, Higher Broughton, Salford, M7 4FE




A Brief History​


Salem Methodist Church repeatedly demonstrated that 'Church' meant the people rather than the place.


The Society could trace its roots back to the beginnings of the Methodist New Connexion in 1797, and made use of nine different sets of premises. Mobility and flexibility were key words for these pilgrim people!


​After endless problems with the roof forced them to close their building, Salem no longer had its own building, so was freed from the worries of building repairs and heating bills. Sunday services too place in the warm and comfortable lounge of the Midfield Court Housing Complex, where they church enjoyed a good relationship with the residents. Some belongs to the congregation and others joined for outings and the annual Carol Singing.


Having been a Class of Emmanuel for some time, Salem ceased to meeting at the end of August 2011. The congregation now worship as a part of Emmanuel.




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