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St Paul's Methodist Church

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Address Liverpool Road, Irlam, Manchester M44 6DA


Service Time 10am


Junior Church No


Minister Rev John Palmer






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Regular Events 


Ladies Group Tuesday (September to May) - from 7:30pm

Shawl Ministry Thursday - from 2pm

Forum Thursday (about twice a month) - from 7:30pm

Coffee Morning Last Saturday of the month - 10am to 12noon


Preachers Information


Hymn Books StF, H&Ps, SoF


Projection No


Parking Church Car Park


About St Paul's​


We are a very friendly church with mainly traditional services. We are open to all and we like to think we serve our community. We also enjoy our regular joint services with other churches in Irlam and Cadishead and all support each other at fundraising events.


A Brief History​


In 1912, the Church moved from Chapel Road to the present building on Liverpool Road. Almost opposite was the Sunday School, which was used until 1995 when it was sold and became a medical centre. The traditional Church building was then converted into a dual-purpose building, used for both Church Services and all other weekly events. 




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